About Litestack

At Litestack, we buy and track SaaS subscriptions to help fast-growing startups grow more efficiently, saving them time and money. Our platform ensures startups secure the best tools at the best prices. With access to a streamlined dashboard for tracking and the ability to leverage performance data for actionable insights and recommendations, we significantly improve operational efficiency. This simplifies SaaS management, allowing you to focus on core business activities and drive growth.

Did you know?

90% of startups waste approximately 30% of their software & cloud spend, often making it the second highest cost centre after payroll. The average cost per employee is $2,300 per year. Interestingly, the average company uses 130 SaaS tools. At Litestack, we believe AI and Software are the single biggest points of leverage for companies looking to grow efficiently.




Managed Spend



Average ROI



Average Savings



Hours Saved

Our team.

The Litestack team consists of experienced founders, skilled tech engineers, and seasoned software experts, including data scientists, venture advisors, and technical product leads. Together, we are well-prepared to efficiently tackle the challenges startups face.

Educated to innovate.